Sunday 31 July 2011

pictorial update of my last 3 months

My three month hiatus from blogging was not intential. I'm not sure why it happened but it did and I am finally back. I thought I would start out by giving a synopsis of my last three months in pictures! Without further adieu and in no particular order (because blogger messed up my order) here is my life...

Church Bridal Shower my friends and I hosted for the daughter of our mutual friend. The theme was a Parisian Fashion Show!

I enjoy walks along the Whitby Harbour in spring, summer and fall, which is on Lake Ontario. In the far distance you can sometimes glimpse New York State, USA on a clear day!

Morning sunrise just outside my apartment door taken with my mobile phone one morning on my way to work!

Explanation not needed!
Summertime BBQ, Beach Volleyball and Campfire with friends...
(Whitby Harbour again...misplace photo thanks to Blogger!)

Another misplaced campfire friends' son during his Cadet graduation!

Here I am at The Great Big Sea concert in Belleville...a fun outdoor summer concert! They are a fabulous Maritime (Newfie) Canadian Band. The lead singer, Alan Doyle starred with Russell Crowe in Robin Hood last year.
I volunteered, along with my choir buddies, for the Durham 1/4 Marathon which raises money for homeless youth and The Refuge.
I attended this cool coffeehouse in Toronto, where my voice teacher sang in one of the bands!
Back to the beach volleyball game! hehehe! Here I am with my good friend Lisa, the hostess of the evening!
Here I am at City TV's Viewer Appreciation Day with one of the hosts of Breakfast Television, Kevin Frankish at Yonge/Dundas Square, Toronto!
Here I am ready to play piano for my dad who was competing in "Senior Star", like American Idol for seniors! We were on tv that morning...Breakfast Television in fact!
Back to Viewer Appreciation Day...we toured the studio, so here I am pretending to be the weather girl!
On the Go Train home with my new sunglasses I won!
Here's my dad competing in "Senior Star!"
Old streetcar tracks in early morning Toronto...
Time to re-organize my accessory drawer- a summer project!
The cute notes my dad leaves by the coffee maker each morning!
We made it in the local paper too!

I love this reminder for one of our students with autism who pretends to pass gas all the time! Typical teenage boy! hehehe!
Springtime in Toronto...
My choir buddy and I with the same Converse shoes!
Springtime walks in the neighbourhood!
Springtime in Toronto again...reflection of buildings at Bay and Wellington, which is like the Canadian version of Wall Street! My grandparents first lived here when they immigrated from Northern Ireland in the early 30's. Obviously their house is no longer around!
In the washroom of Milestones Restaurant, Yonge Dundas Square!
In honour of the Royal Wedding, this china shop had a cool display!
Lobster dinner with my friend John at his church!

oops...The Old City Hall Gargoyles, Toronto

We received a thank you letter from Kate and Will's people ( Buckingham Palace) for the engagement card we sent them!
I dressed up at work in my fascinator for the Royal Wedding. We were up at 5am to see it!
My dinner in honour of the Royal Weddding Day!

More Lobster Dinner photos!


Catherine said...

What a fun summer you're having! It was fun to see all the pics of your various adventures!

swilek said...

Yes, I'm having a good summer despite it being a "staycasion!" I hope to get away this month sometime somewhere!I have to catch up on your blog too! Take care!