Thursday 3 June 2010

mid-life re-focus

Niagara Falls ON, May 9, 2010 - Mother's Day

"The only limit to your life is your own imagination. The only thing that's going to stop you from doing whatever it is you want to do is your ability to envision it."
(Shonda Rhime's father)


Evi said...

I believe this and have discovered that there are many things I thought I wanted that I clearly don't want bad enough! LOL!
AND maybe I should be more thankful for the things that I am happy with because they are truly dreams come true!

swilek said...

@ Evi thanks for stopping is true how one can focus on what we haven't accomplish, but when one really stops to think of the happy times, we truly are blessed!! hope this makes sense..i'm still groggy early this morning!! hehehe!