Tuesday 11 August 2009

Full to the brim and running over

"... I (The Apostle Paul) ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." (Ephesians 3:17-21, The Message)

I am full to the brim and overflowing! I love how God allows me to experience these indescribable moments after the dark seasons along my life's journey have passed. I love how when I think I have no more to give, God fills me up, immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine. I am left speechless. His extravagant love never ceases to amaze me!

I recently had the privilege of spending time with two incredible women, one of which was my BFF!

I have shared before about these kindred spirits, soul sisters. Just being in their presence fills me up. In fact, it is interesting that one blogger made this comment about my "Free the Bird" post,

"'K,' OMG woman! You are just lit lit lit up like a Xmas tree when you are with those women. You should spend more time with them. I cannot get over how amazing your soul was shining in all those photos. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!"

During our visit we howled with laughter from the depths of our bellies until we were gasping for air. When we finally caught our breath, we started the whole process again. Our episode of laughter lasted for almost a full hour. To my knowledge, I don't think I have ever guffawed with such unrestrained freedom. It was incredible! And then, further along in our visit, our conversation led us to a place where we started to cry from within the deep abyss of our souls-- that private place where you are stripped bare and are usually all alone with God. Sharing this space with these women filled me up in ways I can barely articulate. All I know is God knew we needed to be with each other in this way at that exact moment in time. Priceless. Fully experiencing the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love!

When it was time for me to leave on that rainy morning, I let fear take over. It was actually more like a panic attack. You see I hate driving alone on the crazy 401 in the vision-impairing -torrential rains . Why did I have such a difficult time trusting that God would look after me on that highway, especially after such an empowering spiritual retreat!

I prayed, feebly I might add! My BFF prayed, confidently I might add. I LOVE that in spite of our weakness (well I should only speak for my weakness!), God is still sovereign. He DID hear my cries of fear and panic. He listened. He answered. He answered in such a specific way. A way that was far more than I could have ever possibly imagined!

Picture this scene with me. I am turning onto the on-ramp about to enter the highway when I spy incredibly dark storm clouds ahead. It had only been sprinkling at this point on my journey home. My heart began to race faster. My breathing became shorter. I could feel panic begin to set in. Immediately I started my deep breathing techniques -thank you yoga class! I didn't care what I looked like as the truckers whizzed by me. For all I knew, they probably thought I was picking my nose!!

Suddenly something in the distance caught my attention. I couldn't believe my eyes. As I rounded the corner at the top of the steep hill with K-Town disappearing behind me, I spotted an inconceivable sight.

Right smack dab in the middle of those nasty, black storm clouds lay a straight path of clear BRIGHT blue sky! I couldn't believe my eyes!

God parted the dark rain clouds for me....the ENTIRE way home. Intermittently, bursts of sunbeams would come out of nowhere and warm my face as I drove along . God shone his face on me to remind me He was with me every step of the way. To remind me He is still Sovereign and in control. To remind me to release it - all of it- over to Him. To remind me to “pronounce” and not doubt.

Do you know what?

The EXACT moment I pulled into my driveway, the heavens opened and it downpoured for several hours! Indescribable! Lavish! There is no doubt in my mind God did this for me! He filled me up - to the brim and overflowing - and then some!

My life if full.

P.S. Aphra, thank you for the short but sweet visit too. You were part of the "fullness" weekend!


Aphra said...

The story gives me the shivers- in a good God way! I am glad I was priveledged to hang out with you and pray for your morning as well.
Thank you!!!

Rainbow dreams said...

this is such a wonderful story :) Katie

swilek said...

thanks Katie! it was a God moment for sure!