Saturday 5 January 2019


Happy New Year

-a little late-

but with good intentions!

I love new opportunies where I can start fresh. Forget the mistakes that lie behind me- carry the lessons learned and celebrate. Then move towards new adventures, new possibilites waiting to be explored. What about you?

I forget sometimes we can start fresh every day because every day truly is a gift- a gift, a privilege -to be living on this earth fulfilling our purpose.  Fulfilling our calling. We are still needed here for a reason.  Celebrate that!

In the last few years I have tried to have an anchor word and verse to take me through each year. It is strange how the words come to me. I felt this year it would have something to do with letting go and stop comparing but yesterday when I was out for a walk, it hit me ___________


"Believe you are enough.
Believe in endless possibilities.
Believe more travel adventures are on the horizon.
Believe God can still use you in spite of your perpetual,  never-ending feeling of being in a constant state of PMS (Thank you menopause)!
Believe you can still show love and kindness to others. Believe you are loved.
Believe you can accomplish your goals.
Believe you are worthy.
Believe you are beautiful. God created you to be a beautiful human.
Believe God does know what He is doing.

What are your hopes and dreams for not only this year but for your life? What do you want to be remembered for?

For me, I want to be remembered as someone who loved big, loved God, laughed alot, knew I genuinely cared for people and knew how to put a good outfit together! 😉

#newyearnewpossibities #whatdoyouwanttoberememberedfor

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