Monday 29 July 2013

Healing from my sweet snow angel

"NC," my sweet snow angel, February 2013

I don't know why but the faith of a child is infectious!  I love how God used the innocent, matter-of- fact, faith of a precious four year old girl to teach me new significance about my faith.  This brown-eyed, humourous, young child with the best hairstyles, gently took my hand and led me down a path where my faith was free again. Restored.

     This sweet child has a wisdom about her that is beyond her years yet still maintains that innocent four year old flare. One day NC approached me and said matter-of-factly, "Miss W, my aunt, who is my dad's sister is black, my dad is black and I am black." I resisted the urge to use sarcasm in responding back to her and just smiled and said, "Really? Wonderful!" Later on that afternoon, she made another comment about being black so I immediately worried she was self conscious of her skin colour. I kindly spoke, " NC, God made us all different for a reason. He made you black and He made me white." Immediately she jumped into the conversation replying confidently, "No Miss W, God made you pink!"  I had to turn away and laugh! Indeed I am pink toned thanks to my Northern Irish roots! Wait until NC sees me in the summer. I am VERY berry pink!
    I quickly learned NC (remember she is a four year old) was a prayer warrior. And it was in her moments of random prayer throughout the year when God tenderly spoke to my heart: My child, you need that boldness and confidence in your prayers again. Don't be afraid, whatever the outcome. Pray expecting I will grant you the desires of your heart my child. And don't forget to pray, "In Jesus' name!"  One day a friend of mine received bad news--her husband was in a terrible work accident.  Under my breath I said, "I need to pray she makes it to the hospital safely." NC thought I was talking to her so she bowed her head and clasped her hands together right there and began to pray for this friend of mine and her husband. I declared, "Amen."  NC piped up and announced, "No Miss W, it is "in Jesus' name" Amen! She then bowed her head again and finished, "In Jesus name, A-MEN!"
     But what really rehabilitated my faith  was a seemingly "random" comment made by NC on a cold, blustery day. On this particular winter day I was actually very sad and feeling sorry for myself because I was not married nor had a family. (The usual hormonal feelings surfacing)! Part of the sadness was a fear I was experiencing that I would be left alone with no help when my parents die. I never vocalized these thoughts to anyone that day.  Anyway, "out of the blue," NC came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Miss W, don't worry God will make people for you so you won't be alone!" Then she toddled off and was gone!

Immediately I began to weep because I clearly knew this moment was a God-moment.  This moment was for me. God was reminding me that He is here, He is listening to me and He will never leave me alone. He WILL provide (and HAS provided) beautiful people along my journey who will care (and who have cared) for me so I won't be alone.  This moment also reminded me to come alongside and care for people in my life right now who appear to be alone so they won't be scared.

This precious angel, my snow angel, has a relationship with God that is so pure and special. She was in tune with God at that moment just when I needed a different perspective. I confidently believe God placed this precious child in my life for a reason. I am eternally grateful. I will pray for NC as she grows and matures into a young woman.  Praying she will continue, in love, to boldly speak truth into people's lives.

 I will never forget my beloved angel God sent to watch over me this year!

"God made my life complete
when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together,
    he gave me a fresh start.
Now I’m alert to God’s ways;
    I don’t take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works;
    I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
    and I’m watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
    when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes."
(Psalm 18: 20-24, The Message)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS! ...and a little child shall lead them...(Isaiah 11:6)