Saturday 3 September 2011

Enjoying the fruits of our summer labour!

As summer nears end, the dawn of a new school year slowly rises awakening a new beginning in me! One of the benefits of my job is the opportunity to start fresh every September. By June we are weary and ready for the end. But after a refreshing summer break we are ready for what awaits. It is always different and is always an adventure, not without some heartache though to keep us on our toes! Each September I make the decision to not get caught up in the politics of the year but to enjoy each day as it comes and to remember it is about the students not us! I know I will have to go into "the larder" at some point during the school year in order to remind myself of the "bounty" of the "summer" in my life, nourish my weary soul, then emerge refreshed once again! No doubt I will have some interesting yarns to tell. I am looking forward to the fruits of my labour! Happy Labour Day weekend everyone! Cheers to a good year! (I know my dill pickles are a good year!)

At the farm, picking the cucumbers for our dill pickles!

The preserving jars sterilized and ready to begin!

The finished product! Can't wait to taste them! I LOVE dill pickles!

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