Sunday 26 September 2010

my perspective from the choir loft

As I scanned the crowd from the choir loft this morning, a quote I read over at Supersimbo 's blog popped into my head:

“What is church? It’s people, broken people, pretending not to be broken and that’s what breaks it.”
(The quote is from Phil Groom’s blog post

So many broken people. I see it in their eyes. So many broken people trying to be brave. So many broken people mustering all the strength they have to trust God, our Healer, with their brokenness.

We've come a long way at my church. The walls of pretending- everything- is- great are being torn down. I see more vulnerableness. I see more transparency. I see less judgement. And that makes my heart happy.

I can understand why we pretend not to be broken. It requires letting go of pride, of being humble, of being exposed. defines vulnerable as, "being open to attack." Sadly, there have been many in the church who have been attacked when they have shared their fractured lives. Some chose to forgive and stay while others chose to forgive and move on.

The church is to be a refuge, a safe community where broken people - and that includes ALL of us - can find freedom and release, without judgement, from our fragmented lives through our relationship with Christ.

As one who is also broken, I hope I can reflect and encourage an attitude of openness, without judgement, for the hurting people I see from the choir loft each Sunday. We are in this together. We are the church. Let's stop pretending and allow our Healer to turn our brokenness into something beautiful which fosters truth, growth and honour to our great God.

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