Friday 10 April 2009

Happy Easter

"They took Jesus away. Carrying his cross, Jesus went out to the place called Skull Hill-the name in Hebrew is Golgotha- where they crucified him...After the Sabbath, as the first light of the new week dawned, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to keep vigil at the tomb....the angel spoke to the women: 'There is nothing to fear here. I know you're looking for Jesus, the One they nailed to the cross. He is not here. He was raised, just as he said. Come and look at the place where he was placed. Now get on your way quickly and tell his disciples, He is risen from the dead!'" ( John 19, Matthew 28, The Message)


A New Yorker said...

Happy Easter.

Aphra said...

I replied on my blog about the "in the end, we dance" , but didn't know if you would also get it so I'll post it here too!

Well, the first people I told (before I posted it on the blog) was the prayer group with Shari. So I think Shari told Al. And then I had a discussion with him later where he even TOLD me (I think) that those were the words he was going to use. I had forgotten! I thought it was interesting how my mind worked though.