
The birthday girl!

My special school chums! I met Michelle in kindergarten and Caroline in grade 7. I am so grateful we have remained friends for all of these years!

Michelle and her fiance Jeff

Our home and native land turns 140 years old on July 1st. How, you ask, do I know this piece of historical trivia? No, I did not use Google, nor did I rely on my incredible memory from my high school history class!!:) I am a Centennial Baby. I, along with many of my friends, were born the year Canada turned 100 years old! 1967 - what a year! Not only was it the year Elvis and Priscilla got married, it was the year of the World Expo in Montreal - which I attended - if you count the fact I was still in my mother's womb! To honour the fact I was a Centennial Baby, I was given a silver spoon , silver cup and a certificate from our mayor congratulating me for being born in Canada's centennial year - as if I had a choice - maybe my parents planned it that way so they could get the silver!!:) Apparently I was one of the lucky ones to get these prized possesions. Not all my fellow centennial comrades acquired such extravagant gifts! Sorry! 2007 is a milestone for centennial babies across the nation - the year of turning 40! I was at my first centennial baby 40th birthday celebration for my friend Michelle last night! She was hoping it would slip past without anyone noticing, but her fiance had another plan! She was surprised , humbled and thrilled to have her friends and family come out to celebrate this milestone birthday. We are all looking forward to the next centennial baby 40th birthday celebration and anticipating the next time we encounter the trivia question, "how old is Canada?" Without missing a beat, we will always give the correct answer!
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