Saturday 2 May 2009

I am alive and kicking!

A wonderful thing about community, including the blogging community, is the assurance you never have to face life alone. I find solace in knowing people have missed me when my life's path took me on some detours as of late. Thank you for caring! I am back. I am still alive and kicking - wildly mind you - but kicking nonetheless!

I wanted to briefly update you on some of my wanderings through this photo collage:

Through the eyes of love...
Kew Gardens, The Beach, Toronto...

Lunch at a Toronto tradition since 1956...

Hope standing strong and tall in Whitby...

Pretty spring wreath ideas...

Lunch with a friend in Toronto, overlooking the famous "flat iron" building and St. James Cathedral (and some streetcar wires!)...

Old building across the street from the St. Lawrence Market...

St. James Cathedral...

Pigeons finding a place to rest...

Union Station, Toronto...

"Rock 'n Roll Glow in the Dark" bowling night with friends...

An expert 10 pin bowler? You decide:) ...
Catching a NBA game in Toronto. We had fabulous seats and won free pizza...
Free, compliments of my Aeroplan miles I had to cash in before I lost them all. It is my very first iPod and I am LOVING it!...
Proudly wearing my Easter Sunday "bonnet" (or as it is affectionately called by its proper name, "fastenater" ) I bought at Marks and Spencer's in Omagh, Northern Ireland...

My henna mendi, designed by one of my co-workers from India ( unfortunately, you can clearly see in this close up that I am in desperate need of a manicure!)...

I began taking voice lessons in September, something I have always wanted to do. I LOVE it. My AMAZING voice teacher encouraged me to enter two music competitions this spring. Even though I was nervous, I was proud of how well I sang. In one of the festivals, I placed first and received a lovely medal. In the other festival I should have placed first! I think I sang better than the others! Hehehe! In fact, it was a close second place mark was 83 and the winner received an 85. It was a great experience and I appreciated the adjudicators' positive words of critique. Here I am with my accompanist...

The remarks...

The Award's Ceremony...

The awards...

The medal...


A New Yorker said...

Wow I really AM the last hold out for an Ipod. You're gonna have to help me purchase one. I've got a certificate to Amazon and really need to get something. Love the mendi. She did an awesome job. I'll be replying to you after I get some sleep. Cheers.

Catherine said...

Way to go! How fun that you're taking lessons and that you participated in the festivals!

Aphra said...

I love the TO pictures! I love visiting TO, but am not too keen on living there. (just because of the traffic!) I am glad you are kicking again :)